Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Roller Coaster Ride

On Friday, I was told that I was going to be offered the job I had interviewed for and it included a promotion. I was ecstatic. It isn't that I don't like my job, but I've been doing it for 6 years and I was ready for something new. Then yesterday, just 5 days later, I was told the job requisition was being frozen because the company is going through layoffs. It was a total roller coaster ride. I just wish they had never told me the job was mine. I had told people, I had told my lead. My manager already knew. I feel like I'm totally screwed. My manager knows that I'm itching for a promotion, but I don't want her to think I'm not happy. Ugh what a mess.

To top it off, I did an assessment of our current finances to figure out that in the last year that we have accrued $25K in credit card debt. No, it did not just happen overnight, so many things have contributed. One year ago we bought a new house that is testing our ability to stay on budget. Well we have proven we are not so good at it. I was putting away money for the property taxes, but they were higher than I calculated so we were short. I put it on the credit card. That just added to the debt already there, ranging from vacations to just overspending in monthly expenses.

It's been a rough few days, but hopefully it will get better. Hopefully, I am not part of the layoffs. That would really suck, going from having two jobs, to having no job.

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