Monday, July 25, 2011

Last week's workout schedule

Last week was the first week in a really long time that I actually kept to my workout schedule. Tuesday was my track day, and I actually went to the track. I ran 6x400m intervals with 400 between each one. I ran 400m in 2:25 consistently each time. That was even while having to change lanes multiple times to avoid the one runner running the wrong way on the track, and another man who was walking the track and almost seemed to be bird watching. I was actually impressed with my time. I hate track, but it was nice to get a time on short distances.

On Thursday, I decided to see what my current time would be for 3 miles. I hadn't really timed a 3 mile run in several months. At first I was a little embarrassed to be pushing myself so hard on the public roads. I was sweating profusely due to the heat and huffing and puffing my way along. As I rounded my last corner and headed up my street, there was a man and his son walking on the sidewalk. At first, I didn't think they were going to give way and after 3 miles of running I wasn't sure I would make it around them, thankfully at the last second the father stepped aside and let me pass. I made it to my front lawn, and almost made a dive for the grass, but decided against it since they were right behind me. I ran 3 miles, estimated by, in 38:08. It wasn't my best time, but certainly better than I likely would've done 5 year ago.

Saturday was my long run. I was supposed to start at 7:30AM and run 8 miles. But I was counting on my inability to sleep past 6:30 lately to get me out of bed. I woke up at 6:30, but immediately fell back asleep and woke up at 7:30AM. I was late from the moment I climbed out of bed and we had a birthday party later that day so I had to get running, literally. I wanted to run my eight miles on a trail and I needed liquids and food to start so by the time I made it to my run start it was 8:10AM. After much trial and error with hydration systems for longer distances, I have finally had success with the hydration backpack. The other nice thing about it is there are plenty of pockets for keys, phone, nutrition, etc. I put on my fabulous backpack and headed out on my run. Thankfully, unlike the rest of the country we are not experiencing the extreme humidity and heat here in California, so the temperature was quite mild in the low 60s when I started. My currently long distance plan is a 3:1 run:walk. It is the only run:walk plan that I have been able to maintain from beginning to end of my run, and it is working fairly well for me. I have my phone setup for the interval and I turn on my GPS run tracker and then shove it in the pocket of my backpack. There are two different bells for the run and walk portions and I have learned that it works best if I don't watch the time during my run. On Saturday I ran my 8 miles in 1:51:05. I was happy with that, and rushed home at a little after 10AM to shower and head to the birthday party.

Friday, July 15, 2011

My best friend's disease ...

My best friend has CVID, Common variable immunodeficiency. I've learned a lot about this disease in the last year or so that I never even knew existed before she was diagnosed. And that's kind of the thing, unless you are directly affected by it most people don't even know this disease exists.

I have done a few seasons with Team in Training and I think the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is a great cause which I have no problem fundrasing for, but everyone knows about cancer and Leukemia. Anytime I mention my best friend and her disease, I have to explain it. It's not AIDs, but it is an immune deficiency, and it's not an STD or something she caused. At least with a disease like cancer, all you have to do is say cancer and people sort of get it. With CVID or Cystic Fibrosis (which my son has), it takes an explanation of the disease before people start to understand. I often go out in public with her and she wears a surgical mask to help protect her from germs. She is always getting looks from people. They just don't understand. She's not SARS paranoid or just a germaphobe, a simple cold to someone else can be so much more serious for her.

I admit when I first met her I thought she was a hypochondriac. How could you not? She was always sick with something. Even doctors told her, that her illnesses are her imagination, or due to anxiety. But if you spend time with her. You start to see. When she was really sick, she looked really weak and sometimes could barely talk for long periods. Most recently she has been feeling better. She has looked healthier and happier than I think most of the time I've known her. This is due to being diagnosed, and getting treatment.

This is a very difficult disease. It's not easily explained and certainly not easily treated. But my best friend inspires me. She is generally a happy person. She has made the best of a bad situation. It would be so easy to crawl in a hole, but she fights. She is one of the strongest people I know.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Vacation and Running

I've been a little MIA lately. We went on vacation. Before you ask why are we vacationing while my husband is unemployed, it was to my parents house. Which is cheaper than being at home since we don't have to buy the food and we drive my parents cars. Alex spent most of the time we were there in the pool. He loved it.

I ran 4 of the 7 days we were there. I think that's the most I've run in one week and it was in some of the hottest weather I've ever run in. The first day, I didn't listen to my mother, who told me I needed to get up at 6AM, and woke up late and didn't start my run until 7AM. I regretted that decision. By the end of my run at 8AM, it was already 100 degrees and the sun was beating down on my head as I ran the last mile. I also finished my water bladder with about 10 minutes left in my run. Not such a great first run on vacation. Lesson learned by day two. I packed another 20 oz of water and I got up earlier and was running by 6:30AM. Still not the 6AM my mother suggested, but better than starting at 7AM. I also ran into the sun on my way out so on my way back the sun was behind me. I finished my run at 7:30AM and it was a mere 93 degrees and ended with 10oz of water left. The last two runs were similar to the second one and I improved each day running the 4 miles in a little less time each day. This means I should be in great shape to run at home where the peak temperature is less than it was when I got up in the morning in Scottsdale.