Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Vacation and Running

I've been a little MIA lately. We went on vacation. Before you ask why are we vacationing while my husband is unemployed, it was to my parents house. Which is cheaper than being at home since we don't have to buy the food and we drive my parents cars. Alex spent most of the time we were there in the pool. He loved it.

I ran 4 of the 7 days we were there. I think that's the most I've run in one week and it was in some of the hottest weather I've ever run in. The first day, I didn't listen to my mother, who told me I needed to get up at 6AM, and woke up late and didn't start my run until 7AM. I regretted that decision. By the end of my run at 8AM, it was already 100 degrees and the sun was beating down on my head as I ran the last mile. I also finished my water bladder with about 10 minutes left in my run. Not such a great first run on vacation. Lesson learned by day two. I packed another 20 oz of water and I got up earlier and was running by 6:30AM. Still not the 6AM my mother suggested, but better than starting at 7AM. I also ran into the sun on my way out so on my way back the sun was behind me. I finished my run at 7:30AM and it was a mere 93 degrees and ended with 10oz of water left. The last two runs were similar to the second one and I improved each day running the 4 miles in a little less time each day. This means I should be in great shape to run at home where the peak temperature is less than it was when I got up in the morning in Scottsdale.

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