Friday, August 26, 2011

Running and more running

I still haven't solved the shoe dilemma. In the mean time, I'm still running. It hurts at times, but I'm not giving up and I'm not stopping.

I ran in my first 10K last Sunday in the Felton Race Thru the Redwoods. I've completed three half marathons, four triathlons and even a 5K, but some how I've never done a 10K. I figured it would be nice to have a real 10K time, but little did I know this was not the race to be basing my progress in training. In the middle of a nice, relatively flat and down hill race, there was ONE very steep hill climbing 300ft in about 3/4 mile. That ruined any opportunity to have a great time. However, it was a really fun race, and will be a nice annual event.

This week, I ran a great 4 miles on Wednesday, it was my interval run, 1/2 mile hard run with 4 minute rest in between for 6 repeats. I was exhausted, but it felt really good. Then on Thursday, I was supposed to run 5 miles. Well, I'm lucky I made it home. I ran 1.5 miles from home and then I hit a brick wall. I tried for another 1 mile to get into my rhythm, because sometimes it takes me 2 miles. Unfortunately, I was done physically, but was now 2.5 miles from home. I walked the rest of the way home, with little attempt at running. I figured at this point, I just wanted to make it home. My biggest mistake was trying a run on one of the hottest days in the mid-afternoon. I was just dehydrated. Oh well, lesson learned.

Tomorrow is my longest run to date. I will be running 14 miles. Let's hope I get my running legs back because walking 14 miles will take much, much longer than I'm planning.

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